Adrian Dyer
Adrian Dyer researches complexity by employing visual modelling of many real world scenarios of high value to human existence. A major focus is on digital imaging to collect high quality empirical data to allow for robust analyses and model validation, and working with a variety of domain experts to construct digital representations of complex behaviours to interpret relationships of primary importance for resource management.
One major focus is plant-pollinator interactions that have important implications for reliable food production for human consumption, environmental management, and how efficient visual solutions may be applied to digital technologies. However, the mapping of such complex system behaviours also has broad implication across many human activities, and this multi-disciplinary approach focusses on building teams to answer new questions that in a modern world often lie between classical areas human knowledge.
This work thus involves a broad set of international collaborations for which he has attracted widespread funding support, won several prestigious Fellowships (Alexander von Humboldt, La Trobe University, ARC QEII), and resulted in publications in the world’s leading journals like Nature.
Designing green spaces for biodiversity and human well-being. Funded by: ARC Linkage Projects 2016 from (2016 to 2019)
A World Without Bees: simulating important agricultural insect pollinators. Administered by Monash University. Funded by: ARC Discovery Projects via other University 2016 from (2016 to 2020)
Pollination; an ecosystem service affected by climate change. Administered by University of Oslo. Funded by: Research Council of Norway grant from (2014 to 2017)
Pollination in a new climate: evolutionary simulation of bee and flower interactions for predicting impacts of climate change on pollination. Administered by Monash University.. Funded by: ARC Discovery Projects via other University pre-2014 from (2013 to 2015)
Behavioural research: advanced exploration of the mind. Administered by Monash University. Funded by: ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) Grant from (2013 to 2013)
Research interests
Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Neurosciences, Other Biological Sciences, Environmental Science and Management, Ecology, Plant Biology.