Kathleen M. Cumiskey

Kathleen M. Cumiskey is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the College of Staten Island – City University of New York. Since 2003, Cumiskey has studied the social psychological consequences of the use of mobile media.

Her work has been published in multiple journals (Feminist Media Studies, Media Asia) and as chapters in edited volumes (The Handbook of Psychology of Communication TechnologyThe Routledge Companion to Mobile Media). She is also the co-editor, with Larissa Hjorth, of the volume, Mobile Media Practices, Presence and Politics: The Challenge of Being Seamlessly Mobile (Routledge, 2013).


Haunting Hands: Mobile Media Practices and Loss

Haunting Hands looks at the consequences of digital media's ubiquitous presence in our lives, in particular the representing, sharing, and remembering of loss.