Nancy Mauro-Flude

Nancy Mauro-Flude is a critical media theorist with extensive experience in an ethnography of the creative process. Her research is driven by the demystification of technology, the ‘mystification’ that lies in and through the performance of the machinic assemblage and contributes to ecological debates in arts, humanities and feminist science, technology and science studies (FSTS) around new ways of knowing and sharing complex cultural heritage that is emerging at the interface of bio-social-cultural life today. She has spent the last decade as Assistant Professor (Interactive Media) in the capacity of elected Head of New Media Curatorial and New Media Cultural Leadership program in collaboration with NUS Museum and ArtScience Museum, Singapore; visiting Assistant Professor at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art. She leads the Computational Poetics and Choreography Studio, School of Design, RMIT University. Since 2005, Nancy has been an ongoing research fellow at the Institute of Network Cultures.