Natalie Hendry

Natalie Hendry is a Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Media and Communications. Her research explores everyday social media and digital technology practices in the context of critical approaches to education, mental health, media, wellbeing, youth studies and policy. This brings draws on her experience prior to academia, working in community education, secondary schools and hospital settings, and consulting for health organisations and industry.

Natalie’s postdoctoral research investigates the role of social media and digital governance in the lives of young people whose parents or adult family members are experiencing mental ill-health. Using digital ethnography and creative workshop methods, this project explores emerging and potential online opportunities to enhance digital outreach and support for these and other diverse families.

She completed her PhD in Media and Communication at RMIT University and her thesis explored visual social media practices and the experiences of young people engaged with adolescent psychiatric services in Melbourne.


Creativity, Learning, Digital Arts, and Design

Creativity, Learning, Digital Arts, and Design positions research participants as ‘creative agents’ and authors of their own experience.

Digital Inclusion, Mobility, and Activism

The research program examines the challenges and potentials of digital participation as this relates to access and inclusion, connectivity, networks and political activism, gig or micro work, and mobility and migration.


DERC’s research on COVID continues to surge ahead

July 21, 2020

We may have been in lockdown, but that didn’t stop DERC researchers from launching several projects to study the pandemic.