Nicola Henry

Nicola Henry is Professor and Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow in the Social and Global Studies Centre at RMIT University. Her research investigates the prevalence, nature and impacts of gendered violence, including the legal and non-legal response to these harms in Australian and international contexts. Her current research is focused on ‘technology-facilitated sexual violence’ – the use of digital technologies in the perpetration of sexual and domestic violence and sexual harassment.

Nicola led an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery project on image-based sexual abuse in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. She is currently working on an ARC Future Fellowship, examining the efficacy of digital platforms for addressing image-based sexual abuse. She has published widely in the sexual violence field.


Digital Hostilities and Disinformation Lab

DERC flagship lab addresses the social and ethical implications of contemporary forms of digital hostility & disinformation.

Digital Inclusion, Mobility, and Activism

The research program examines the challenges and potentials of digital participation as this relates to access and inclusion, connectivity, networks and political activism, gig or micro work, and mobility and migration.