The Mourning After: Grief rituals, affective witnessing and mobile media 

From Instagram memorials and eulogies to witnessing mass human and more-than-human death online—mobile media rituals play a significant role in contemporary grieving processes.  

From the climate emergency feelings of ecogrief to the individual loss of our human and more-than-human loved ones, this ARC Future Fellowship (2023-2027) aims to understand the role of mobile media mourning rituals as a reflection of our social and cultural lives.  

Led by RMIT’s Distinguished Professor Larissa Hjorth, this project aims to shed light on the process of giving grief visibility through mourning rituals, highlighting how this can help honour the loss, develop resilience, and enhance social action. Through ethnographic inquiry, social media analysis and creative practice intervention, this Future Fellowship will examine how our mobile media mourning rituals are reflecting contemporary Australian life.