Parallel Societies of International Students in Australia: Connections, Disconnections, and a Global Pandemic
Parallel Societies of International Students in Australia explores the social and cultural spaces that international students occupy in a destination country. It specifically examines the connections international students make and the significance of parallel societies in helping them become resilient, empowered and self-sufficient. It further explores the ways in which international students become disconnected from...
Fake News in Digital Cultures: Technology, Populism and Digital Misinformation
Fake News in Digital Cultures presents a new approach to understanding disinformation and misinformation in contemporary digital communication, arguing that fake news is not an alien phenomenon undertaken by bad actors, but a logical outcome of contemporary digital and popular culture, conceptual changes meaning and truth, and shifts in the social practice of trust, attitude...
Launched in 2007, tumblr became a safe haven for LGBT youth, a launch pad for social justice movements, a NSFW rabbithole, and a counselling station for mental health issues. For a decade, this micro-blogging platform had more users than Twitter and Snapchat, but remained an obscure subculture for non-users and most researchers. In 2018 it...
The Lure of the Social: Encounters with Contemporary Artists
The Lure of the Social is an intimate and personal exploration into the key individuals, institutions, and gatherings that make up the field of socially engaged art. In this book of encounters, the reader follows Gretchen Coombs on her journey through what could be considered the most significant shift in art world practices in the last...
Digital Experiences of International Students: Challenging Assumptions and Rethinking Engagement
Exploring the impact of the digital environment on international students, carefully selected global contributors examine how digital experiences have been used to internationalize higher education. Using fascinating case studies and current research, this book considers the digital experiences of students as a result of their engagement with international education providers and stakeholders from a transnational...
Exploring Minecraft: Ethnographies of Play and Creativity
Drawing on ethnographic insights, this book seeks to take Minecraft seriously as a cultural practice and an interdisciplinary phenomenon.
Immersive Cartography and Post-Qualitative Inquiry: A Speculative Adventure in Research-Creation
Immersive Cartography and Post-Qualitative Inquiry introduces immersive cartography as a transdisciplinary approach to social inquiry in an age of climate change and technological transformation. Drawing together innovative theories and practices from the environmental arts, process philosophy, education studies, and posthumanism, the book frames immersive cartography as a speculative adventure that gradually transformed the physical and...
Arts-Based Methods for Research with Children
“Flying soccer balls that are ice-cream factories inside, cars with wings, mobile recycling plants, streets that are rivers. These are the inventions children have offered up to Hickey-Moody. This is because she deftly uses arts-based methodologies to provide resources for engaging with children and communities to examine social issues such as belonging, community cohesion, faith...
Childhood, Citizenship and the Anthropocene: Posthuman Publics and Civics
The planet is dying. Our earth’s climate has reached a point where it can no longer regulate itself. Fires, floods, and natural disasters are sweeping countries across the world. What does it mean to be a child citizen in the Anthropocene? Can we teach children a posthuman civics that can care for the more-than-human world?...