The Lure of the Social: Encounters with Contemporary Artists

The Lure of the Social is an intimate and personal exploration into the key individuals, institutions, and gatherings that make up the field of socially engaged art. In this book of encounters, the reader follows Gretchen Coombs on her journey through what could be considered the most significant shift in art world practices in the last...

Digital Experiences of International Students: Challenging Assumptions and Rethinking Engagement

Exploring the impact of the digital environment on international students, carefully selected global contributors examine how digital experiences have been used to internationalize higher education. Using fascinating case studies and current research, this book considers the digital experiences of students as a result of their engagement with international education providers and stakeholders from a transnational...

Religion, Hypermobility and Digital Media in Global Asia: Faith, Flows and Fellowship

Digital media is changing the ways in which religion is practiced, understood, proselytised and countered. Religious institutions and leaders use digital media to engage with their congregations who now are not confined to single locations and physical structures. The faithful are part of online communities which allow them a space to worship and to find...

Ambient Play

In Ambient Play, we examine how mobile gameplay fits into our day-to-day lives.

Digital Media Practices in Households

This book ethnographically explores how households are being understood, articulated and defined by digital media practices.

Digital Domesticity: Media, Materiality, and Home Life

The authors advance media domestication research through an ecology-based approach to the abundance and materiality of media in the home.

Digital Food: From Paddock to Platform

Lewis critically analyzes how our relationship to food consumption, production, and politics is being re-mediated through digitally connected electronic devices, practices and content.

Netflix Nations: The Geography of Digital Distribution

This book examines how streaming services and internet distribution have transformed global television culture.

Digital Media, Sharing and Everyday Life

Digital Media, Sharing and Everyday Life provides nuanced accounts of the processes of sharing in digital culture and the complexities that arise in them.

Authors Users and Pirates Book Cover

Authors, Users, and Pirates: Copyright Law and Subjectivity

James Meese reveals the messy, complex historical and sociological realities of copyright law lying underneath the overheated rhetoric of copyright stakeholders.

The Rise of Nerd Politics: Digital Activism and Political Change

Postill tracks the rise of techno-political 'nerds' as a new class of political brokers with growing influence.

Transnational Migrations in the Asia-Pacific

This edited collection interrogates the diversity of transnational migration experiences in the Asia-Pacific through the lens of digital ethnography.